The campaign
draft Mike

for our next
Ontario Liberal
Party Leader



A group of Ontario Liberals - including candidates in last year’s provincial election, as well as former MPPs and ministers – today launched a draft campaign to urge Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner to run for leader of the Ontario Liberal Party.

The group wrote an open letter to Schreiner, laying out the need for a bold shift, breaking out from the “politics as usual” approach of the major parties today, and calling for the Ontario Liberal Party to open up to new people and new ideas.

The Draft Schreiner group has also launched a website, www.draftmike.ca, and is urging Ontarians to add their names to the movement.

Kate Graham, London North Centre candidate in the 2022 election and herself an Ontario Liberal leadership candidate in 2020, is spokesperson for the group.

“There is so much that is broken with contemporary politics, and that is alienating voters. That’s why we had record low turnout in the last election,” she said. “And it’s also why too many smart, motivated people just don’t want to get involved in political parties – they’re turned off by the cynicism and knee-jerk partisanship.

“Mike Schreiner is the antithesis of all that. He speaks with clarity and conviction on the issues that Ontarians – especially young Ontarians – care about, particularly on Climate Change and the current crises in healthcare and housing. He knows how to mobilize grassroots activists across the province. And he’s not stuck in a narrow partisan mindset.

“Let’s face it, Ontario Liberals aren’t going to earn back the support of the people of this province by doing the same old things over and over again. We need to embrace the energy of people fighting for change throughout Ontario. That’s why we’ve taken this unprecedented step, of reaching out to the one individual we think can make it happen.”

January 29th, 2023

Read our open letter to Mike Schreiner.

Add your voice to the Draft Mike Campaign.